2008. 1st edition. A concise and readable guide that provides clear, engaging answers, detailing essential information on the many aspects of Cook's voyages.
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1998. The Marine Life of Ningaloo Marine Park & Coral Bay in North Western Australia.
1956. A history of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce.
2008. In the early 21st century, as it celebrates its 125th anniversary, The University of Auckland is New Zealand's biggest, best-endowed, most research-driven university.
2013. A showcase gallery of 25 contemporary handbag designers, and it features over 100 artful creations.
1971. 1st edition. A history of New Zealand golf from its origins in circa 1863 to the 1960s and 1970s.
1976. 1st edition. Peter Harker, still in his mid-thirties, has had what most people would reckon to be a lifetime’s experience in the horrendous bush-and-mountains country of South Westland.
1991. This book is a celebration of the New Zealand outdoors.
1950. Biography of Cheshire V.C the commander of the Dam Buster Squadron.
1943. 1st edition. A contemporary account of nine months as a medical officer in Libya.
1978. 1st edition. A collection of history, personalities and anecdotes from New Zealand men and women who served in World War Two.
1994. A series of books that captures through photographs the essence of everyday life in New Zealand, prior to 1960.
1939. Setup in 1939 as a temporary additional station, 5ZB broadcast from a refitted luxury railway carriage.
2004. Henry VIII's six wives have been too long in the shadow of his own awe-inspiring personality.
1999. Professor John Salmon spent many years photographing and recording New Zealand's exotic trees.
1942. 1st edition. The earliest publication on the raising of the gold bullion in June 1940/41 from the Niagara laying off the north coast of Whangarei, 30 miles from Bream Bay, New Zealand.
1967. 1st edition. The autobiography of Alfred Hamish Reed, MBE (1875-1975) who was a New Zealand publisher, author and entrepreneur.
1963. 1st edition. One of the most amazing tales of shipwreck ever, as a Tongan cutter runs onto the dreaded Minerva Reef, and 17 men must fight for the chance of survival.
1980. 1st edition. Michael Guy's true account of Air New Zealand's DC-10 Crash on Mount Erebus in Antarctica in November 1979.
1952. 1st edition. Another classic, this one mainly concerned with the French-piloted Mosquitoes of the RAF.
1977. The story of the most electrifying, entertaining and successful rugby players of the time.
1980. A biography of Lord Mountbatten.
1976. Biography of the noted Australian aviator.
1908 (112yo). Oxford Copyright edition, red cloth boards, quarter bound in cream vellum, spine embossed and decorated in gold and red in Art Nouveau style.
1981. 1st edition. Centennial History of the Manchester Block.
2016. Kiwi yachtsman Graeme Kendall was the first person to sail the Northwest Passage solo non-stop. SIGNED.
1981. 1st edition. Collection of paintings and pencil sketches by the author while commissioned as official war artist during World War II.
1982. 1st edition. Friends of the Earth portray the global implications of the impending fight for control of Antarctica's resources.
1977. 1st edition. History and science of volcanoes in New Zealand.
1964. The case-history of a dedicated man of medicine, whose practice has been in the rugged and enormous ‘parish’ of the Lake Wakatipu district.
1968. 1st edition. Tom Seddon's autobiography, from his earliest childhood in Kumara on the West Coast of the 1890s to the present day.
1996. Commentary on New Zealand politics by the then leader of the ACT party Richard Prebble.
1998. Wonderful collection of many of W. W. "Bill" Stewart's oil paintings of New Zealand locomotives made over the course of many decades.
1986. Illustrated history of the Kauri from early timber trade in Northland, logging, gumdiggers. shipbuilding to conservation.
1996. A unique collection of illustrations describes the kea's biology, natural history and natural environment.
2001. Many adolescent boys dream of running away to sea, but Peter Taylor is one of the few who actually did it.
1942. Alice's story of her family and other settlers in and around Martins Bay, some 30km north of Milford Sound.
1986. 1st edition. The story of 485 (NZ) Squadron Spitfire pilot Les "Chalky" White.
1989. 1st edition. A pictorial History of the New Zealand Soldier in World War II, tracing in pictures and captions, the story of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Forces from 1939-45.
1990. A unique photographic record with more than 230 images, many never before published.
2010. 1st edition. Takes a fresh look at one of the most controversial events in our country's military history.
1997. O'Shea recreates the shocking battles of the Western Front.
1955. 1st edition. Discusses fully the modern glider and the technique of using it.
1969. 1st edition. The school's development, against the background of the social, political and cultural influences at work in the community during this 100 years.
1977. 1st edition. History of the Masterton Club, New Zealand.