1982. 1st edition. Friends of the Earth portray the global implications of the impending fight for control of Antarctica's resources.
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Latest Antarctica & Arctic Books
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1969. 1st edition. Experiences of the 1962 Wilkes-Vostok Antarctic Traverse party.
1978. A photographic tour of discovery throughout the southern continent reveals Antarctica's stunning natural formations and phenomena.
1958. 1st edition. A detailed account of the first full crossing of Antarctica via the South Pole by the Commonwealth Expedition.
1961. 1st edition. Hero of Mt. Everest ascent tells of his later experiences as leader of the first party ever to drive tractors to the South Pole.
1957. 1st edition. An anthology containing fifteen narrative accounts selected from the narratives of polar explorers, ten from the Arctic and five from the Antarctic.
1971. 1st edition. The author was instrumental in founding the journal ANTARCTIC and was its editor from 1956 to 1968.
1921. Ponting was the photographer accompanying Scott on his last expedition to the South Pole.
1967. 1st edition. An account of the flora & fauna of Macquarie island by four women scientists in 1960.
1968. 1st edition. Adrian Hayter, author of SHEILA IN THE WIND and BUSINESS IN GREAT WATERS, was chosen as Leader of the 1964-65 season to Antarctica's Scott Base.
2010. Biographies of the men taking par in Arctic expeditions.
2002. 1st edition. Describes Martin Frobisher's search for the Northwest Passage to Asia, 1576-1581.
1948. An account of the ill-fated expedition to reach the South Pole by Captain Robert Scott, told by his second-in-command who lead the Last Supporting Party.
1969. The story of the New Zealand Antarctic Research Program.
1987. 1st edition. Robert Swan became possessed by the idea of a journey on foot to the South Pole. No such attempt had been made since Captain Scott and his companions.
1948. 1st edition. An account of the making of the film based on the Polar Explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott 1868-1912 and his Antarctic expedition.
1975. 1st edition. The story and history by the New Zealand author and his trip to the Antarctica.
2015. The gripping tale of the Arctic Thirty, a group of Greenpeace activists who endured a hundred days in a Russian isolation jail.
2001. In November 1997 two Belgian explorers set out on an incredible journey to the South Pole.
2011. The narrative of this enduring human quest with individual stories to place the Scott-Amundsen race in historical context and consider its legacy.
1971. 1st edition. Absorbing details of bird life, incisively written with keen observation and humour.
1952. 1st edition. An illustrated edition of the account of the ill-fated British Antarctic expedition 1910-1913 to reach the South Pole by Captain Robert Scott.
2016. This landmark anthology brilliantly reveals the numerous scientific discoveries that have been made.