1973. The middle of the 19th century in France was a time when art and politics could not escape each other.
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Latest Europe Books
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1966. 1st edition. Power politics and ethnic conflict in the eastern Mediterranean.
1971. A guide to the iron cross of Prussia and Germany.
1964. This celebrated work on Roman culture and civilization has been acknowledged as a masterpiece since its original publication in 1912.
2016. New York Times bestselling author Anne Sebba explores a devastating period in Paris's history and tells the stories of how women survived, or didn’t, during the Nazi occupation.
1973. Originally published in 1964, this book holds the story of Italian fascism and its leader up to the light.
1964. 1st edition. A General History of Europe from Napoleon to the end of the Second World War.
2012. Gives the reader an insight into a key moment in the life of modern Europe.
1979. Vintage school history reference book illustrated throughout with monochrome photos and drawings
1980. The early voyages into the deep waters of the Atlantic rank among the greatest feats of exploration. G.J. Marcus looks at the history of these expeditions.
1965. An illustrated history of Europe 1871-1945 illustrated with monochrome photos and maps.
1997. Featuring brilliant colour photographs of frescoes, mosaics, artefacts and architecture, this portrayal of the Romans.
1992. In this collection of essays, historians from Europe, America and the Soviet Union examine this complex and paradoxical theme.
1970. 1st edition. Part of the General History of Europe series.
1924. 1st edition. Vintage book on European history from the end of the middle ages to the present time.
1967. Aimed at school students, this is an illustrated and concise history of Ancient Rome.
2012. Follows the whole history of the 'Shoah' from Hitler's rise to power to the Nuremburg trials
1948. The author describes and illustrates the atmosphere of a Swiss winter.
1965. 1st edition. Explores the argument that the 18th Century revolution in Politics, art and industry.
1997. The story of Lithuanian Jews caught in the sweeping history of the first half of the century in Europe.
1967, 1st edition. A History of the Civilization in France, England, and Germany form 1756
2003. How did Rome survive for nearly 1000 years, ruling over millions of people with few instances of internal rebellion?