1974. 1st edition. John Parsons looks back on a lifetime of fishing from his boyhood in Kent, England, to his service days in India and, for the past twenty-two years, as a resident of New Zealand.
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Latest Fishing & Marine Life Books
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1969. 1st edition. Fred Fletcher, the name evokes an immediate response from most people associated with Taupo and its lake.
2006. Part of the Reed New Zealand Nature Series.
1982. A complete vintage guide to all species of sea fishes in New Zealand.
1976. 1st edition. Beginners and old hands alike will delight at Ray Doogue's never ending stories of his fishing experiences.
1958. 1st edition. This little trout fishing book has become one of the classics of the sport in New Zealand.
1997. A handy guide with step-by-step diagrams of all the knots for successful fishing.
1969. A vintage guide to knot tying, with step-by-step diagrams of all the knots for successful fishing.
1993. A vastly revised and expanded edition of the author's previous book on saltwater sportfishing in NZ.
1972. 1st edition. A definitive account of the world's seven turtle species, their life histories and conservation.
1984. This comprehensive guide to New Zealand trout flies is a handy, informative reference book detailing every artificial fly of note in the country.
1947. A comprehensive vintage guide to freshwater angling written primarily for the beginner.
1975. 1st edition. A companion volume to the author's first book Trout at Taupo, these reminiscences reflect changes at Taupo in angling ethics and techniques.
1973. A vintage book on nymph fishing techniques for the trout fishermen.
1965. 1st edition. E.G. Webber's sequel to his equally amusing 'You Should've Been Here on Thursday'.
1970. 1st edition. A selection of articles the author has contributed to Angler's Mail over a four-year period.
1979. Rex Forrester (1928-2001) provides anglers with an informative and entertaining guide to all aspects of trout fishing in New Zealand.
1955. O.S. Hintz had successfully fished Lake Taupo and it’s tributaries for three decades before penning Trout at Taupo.
1986. A detailed gazetteer of all of New Zealand's South Island's trout and salmon rivers and lakes.
1937. 1st edition. Vintage book on New Zealand shells including the Maori names.
1960. Vintage guide to salt water fishing in New Zealand.
1997. Everything you need to know about fishing in New Zealand. SIGNED.
2006. Guide to the most picturesque and rewarding locations, and is a must for any keen fisher, avid adventurers and armchair travellers alike.
1963. The quest for the fisherman's El Dorado from one end of NZ to the other, following the search of author-angler Zane Grey.
2004. 1st edition. Bill Hohepa has been around the fishing scene in New Zealand for well over 35 years.
1973. 1st edition. Vintage book on a general introduction to all manner of fishing, aimed at the youth market.
1978. Everything for the river, lake and dam fisherman, with a special guide to trout angling.
1953. 1st edition. Vintage book on fishes in New Zealand where the author was employed as a marine biologist at a Marine fishes centre near Dunedin. SIGNED.
1994. Documents the history of early shipwrecks and WWII wrecks that lie in the waters around Port Moresby.
2004. 1st edition. Tony involves the reader and deals in an innovative and new way to explore the act of fishing from different perspectives with the one object of catching trout.
2010. New Zealand's top 12 fish species and how to catch them.
1980. 1st edition. Include tales from the rivers and lakes, there is humour, anecdotes, poems, advice of flies and gear.
1940. 1st edition. Vintage book on fisheries in New Zealand.
1980. 1st Edition. Salmon fishing in New Zealand – the practical where, when and how of the sport, and its history, biology and economic significance.
2003. An introduction to the fascinating subject of conchology.
1957. Vintage book on New Zealand shells in the Bay of Plenty region.
1971. Rigs and best methods of catching 100 fish species.
1995. 1st edition. A collection of some of the best writing and yarn-spinning on the subject of New Zealand saltwater fishing in recent years.
1979. 1st edition. This is a fireside, bedside book for those men and women who love to fish for trout.
1971. 1st edition. A comprehensive guide to trout fishing.
2000. An eye-poping visual tour of the underwater world.
2003. 1st edition. New Zealand offers perhaps the best wilderness fishing to be had anywhere in the world.
1981. 1st edition. Chronicles Project Interlock's attempts to find a common basis of communication between men and dolphins.
1991. Descriptions of about 600 fish species right across Australasian to aid amateur and professional fishermen alike catch them.
1960. 1st edition. The author turns to Polynesian legends that are strangely like those of the Greeks, and to the true story of a famous dolphin, Pelorus Jack, long protected by New Zealand law.
1958. 1st edition. Vintage book on fishing in New Zealand.
1980. This book is the first to deal exclusively with salmon fishing in New Zealand.
1970. 1st edition. Author reminiscences of travelling around New Zealand both North and South Islands and of the places he fished and the size of the fish he caught.
2006. Eco-thriller written by a NZ wildlife biologist. Ignoring a moratorium, Japan sends a whaling fleet to Antarctica.
1997. 1st edition. Covers lure fishing and bait fishing and includes an analysis of all the major South Island salmon fishing rivers.