1928. New Zealand local history
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Latest New Zealand - Church History Books
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1975. 1st edition. Church history in New Zealand.
1965. 1st edition. Church history from Bishop Harper's tours through the district in 1858.
1957. 1st edition. New Zealand church history.
1965. A brief illustrated history of the Waiapu Cathedral in Napier.
2002. 1st edition. New Zealand church history.
2017. This is an account of the many Wellingtonians who raised their voices to save the church.
1968. A history of the Anglican Diocese of Dunedin.
1969. A historical record of the first 104 years and a description of the new Trinity Presbyterian Church in Timaru.
Undated 1973. New Zealand church history in Waimate North near Kaikohe in Northland.
1968. History of the Rangiatea church in Otaki, New Zealand, the oldest Maori Anglican church in New Zealand.
1970. A history and plan for Old St. Paul's church by Peter Sheppard, Government Architect 1970.
2002. 1st edition. A collection of watercolour illustrations that represents the varied architectural forms of many of New Zealand’s surviving country churches.
1973. 1st edition. A history of the parochial district of Waiuku 1873-1973.
1978. 1st edition. Signed by author. The centennial history of St Peter's Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian movement in the Western Bay of Plenty.
1965. 1st edition. The history of Methodism in the Marlborough district 1840-1965 published in connection with the Centennial of Wesley Church, Blenheim April 1965.
2014. 1st edition. Baptists in New Zealand have built few lasting denominational institutions.