1987. 1st edition. Archaeological findings about the origins, physical type, technology, economy, warfare and art of the Maori.
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Latest New Zealand - Maori / Te Reo Books
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1934. Vintage account of Maori folk of early New Zealand, of their ancient customs, beliefs, institutions, and industries has been long felt.
Text in English and Te Reo
2021. 1st edition. This major book tells the story of four expeditions made by staff of the Dominion Museum between 1919 and 1923.
2011. 1st edition. E Tu Ake tells the story of Maori and introduces the concepts that underpin the Maori world view.
1863. Warm hearted sketches involving Maori characters in situations reflecting the effects of European civilisation and missionary influence.
1985. Margaret Orbell vividly evokes the Maori view of the world, while Geoff Moon's remarkable photographs present the country's landscapes, birds, fish, insects, reptiles and plants.
1986. The author's interest in the subject dates back to his 1952 thesis on the Ngai Tahu land issue.
1947. 1st edition. Tells of pioneer days in the Waikato River area, including some Maori stories and legends.
2000. A collection of biographies of New Zealanders of Maori descent, chosen by Alan Duff for their triumphs, their achievements, but most of all for their courage.
1995. Gives information about customs, symbols and stories relating to seasonal change from Maori and European perspectives.
1986. A guide complete with glossary to customs, protocol and etiquette for visitors to New Zealand marae.
1965. A guide in making pari (bodice), tipare (headband), tatua (bodyband), and piupiu (skirt).
1965. 1st edition. Vintage book on maori music culture.
1968. Several scholarly studies have dealt with his origins, mythology, art and culture.
2002. This book traces the story of the haka from its origins in Maori legend to its role in a contemporary commercial world.
1974. 1st edition. Seeks to demonstrate the basic patterns used in Maori speech.
1873 (150yo). Thomas C. Williams, a son of the missionary Henry and part owner of Brancepeth station, made the Maori claim of injustice in the Manawatu purchase very much one of his causes.
2003. Te Puea Herangi (1883-1952) secured the survival of the Maori King movement - the nearest thing in New Zealand to nationalist organization.
1950. The story of an ancestor who successfully fulfills an ancient prophecy about reaching the far lands.
1973. 1st edition. Maori to English section, English to Maori section.
1974. Contains over 12,000 concise entries divided into Maori to English and English top Maori.
1993. 1st edition. History of Bone carving that is as old as civilization itself.
1999. Maori to English section, English to Maori.
1977. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1992. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1994. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1994. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1995. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1997. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1997. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1998. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1999. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2012. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2020. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1996. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1993. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1963. 1st edition. History of the Maori, New Zealand's native people.
1971. Contains over 12,000 concise entries divided into Maori to English and English top Maori.
1952. 1st edition. An account of the common houses and food store buildings of the Maori from records of the Dominion Museum.
1952. 1st edition. AS NEW / SCARCE. An account of the common houses and food store buildings of the Maori from records.
1997. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2006. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2008. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2008. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2009. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2010. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2010. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1998. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2009. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2000. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
2001. Text in Te Reo / Maori. Children's educational resource produced for New Zealand schools.
1952. The New World Magazine published by the Maori Affairs Department 1954-1960. Text in English and Te Reo.
2006. How the community education program developed by Arnold Wilson used arts as a catalyst for cultural exploration.
2013. Introduces visitors and locals alike to the culture and customs of Maori in contemporary New Zealand.