1960. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
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1970s. Large A2 sized poster issued by New Zealand Post Office detailing the technology around early telephone communications.
1955. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1955. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1976. Issued by ACC / Beverley Pentland MBE The Fireworks Lady to promote safety with fireworks. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Departments of Labour and Health to promote safety in the workplace. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1940. Promoting safety around detonator explosives for children and the workplace. This is original, not a reproduction.
1940. Promoting safety awareness around detonator explosives for children and the workplace. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Department of Education promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Department of Education promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Department of Education promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Department of Education promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Department of Education promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1986. Own a unique piece of sailing history - this poster is the real McCoy from generations ago - not a modern reproduction.
1986. Own a unique piece of sailing history - this poster is the real McCoy from generations ago - not a modern reproduction.
1986. Own a unique piece of sailing history - this poster is the real McCoy from generations ago - not a modern reproduction.
1950. This is number 15 in a series of Enid Blyton Nature Prints for schools that were available in the 1950's. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
Circa 1954. Own a unique piece of New Zealand aviation history - this poster is the real McCoy from generations ago - not a modern reproduction.
1888. This is an early example from 1888 of the many posters issued by the newly-constituted Government Railways Department.
1970s. National Anti-Litter / Be a tidy Kiwi campaign first launched in early 1970s. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1968. Issued by the Ministry of Transport to promote road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by Post Office Savings Bank to promote savings for school children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1968. Issued by the Ministry of Transport to promote road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1968. Issued by the Ministry of Transport to promote road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1885. Samuel Brown (1845 – 1909) was the Mayor of Wellington, New Zealand from 1887 to 1888.
1908. The New Zealand Alliance for the suppression and prohibition of the liquor trade published many emotive posters.
1938. The newly formed National Party used vivid visual imagery to engender fear in the public mind of Labour's new social welfare policies.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from 1915 New Zealand that would look great framed.
1938. The new job security promised in this poster was a key factor in Labour's victories in 1935 and again in 1938 with an increased majority.
1951. Issued by NZ Department of Tourism and Publicity to promote New Zealand as a progressive / trading nation. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1940. A tourist poster aimed mainly at New Zealanders exploring their own country, promoting ease of access by both road and rail services.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1862. The Dun Mountain bus was actually the first passenger tramway New Zealand. Originally opened in 1862 to link nearby mining ventures, it continued as a passenger service for forty years.
1842. The New Zealand company was setup in 1837 to promote the schemes of Edward Gibbon Wakefield for model colonisation.
1870. Cobb & Co. Coach service began and became a major transport company throughout New Zealand.
1906. Until the tram and then the motor car took over, Cobb & Co continued to dominate New Zealand transport. Cassidy & co. in this poster were the proprietors of the Cobb depot at Springfield.
1949. Issued by Pan American World Airways to promote their new Boeing 377 Stratocruiser aircraft servicing their San Francisco - Hawaii route. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Original travel poster, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by H. M Stationery office. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Original travel poster, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Original travel poster from the 1960s that would look great framed. Marked by S. R. Badmin. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1893. Fantastic copy of a poster from 1880s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1895. Fantastic copy of a poster from 1880s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Signed by John Batchelor. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1970. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1940. Posters like this one emphasised the supposed glamour attached to the dangerous missions of the air service.
1940. Special loans based on voluntary public subscription were floated during the war years and carried intensive publicity appealing to New Zealander's patriotism.
1939. During the first year of the war, recruitment posters became became a common sight on hoardings and public buildings.
1980. Original poster that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1974. Depicts in photos and text captions the various shells found around New Zealand. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1965. Issued by Universal Business Directories that depicts in fine line drawings the various shells found around New Zealand. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1942. Issued by National Dairy Council, Chicago. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1980. Issued by the Post Office Savings Bank to promote Care for your Coast as part of National Conservation Week. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1980. Issued by the Post Office Savings Bank to promote Care for your Coast as part of National Conservation Week. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1970. Issued by Post Office Savings Bank as part of National Conservation Week. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1974. Issued by the National Conservation Campaign and New Zealand Forest Service as part of the Keep New Zealand Green campaign. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1975. Issued by the Ministry of Works Development for the National Water & Soil Conservation Organisation. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1925. Champion Flour is the trade name of Northern Roller Milling Co. of Auckland since the early part of this century.
1890. Advertisers were always looking for new ways to promote their products, and humour became an important element in advertising.
1940. Issued by the New Zealand Departments of Health as well as Labour and Employment to promote first aid in the workplace. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960s. Issued by the National Water Safety Council to provide education on the technique of rescue breathing. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Departments of Health as well as Labour in association with the National Safety Association to promote safety in the workplace. This is original, not a reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote safety around the home. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote safety around the home. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1965. Promoting the Holger-Neilsen method of artificial respiration in the workplace. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
11960. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote safety around the home. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1953. Walt Disney technicolour movie release for general exhibition audience, printed by Simmons Ltd. Litho. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1974. Height wall chart for children published by Walt Disney Productions. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Physical Welfare and Recreation branch Department of Internal Affairs. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950s. Issued by the Physical Welfare and Recreation Branch of Department of Internal Affairs to promote water safety. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote home health. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to prevent hydatids amongst farm dogs. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950s. Issued by the Junior Red Cross to promote good health amongst children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1940. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote dental health. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote food safety. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote food safety. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
Circa 1960. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote healthy eating. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Milk Foundation of Toronto / Department of Pensions and Health to promote healthy eating. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote correct fitting shoes. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1940. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote an iron-rich diet. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1943. Foods furnishing the same amount of protein, to promote healthy eating. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950s. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote food safety. Designed by Railway Studios. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to raise awareness of the risks of drinking raw milk. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950s. Issued by the Junior Red Cross to promote good hygiene amongst children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1980. Issued by the NZAPMB in association with General Dental Council, London and Department of Health New Zealand. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote dental health. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950s. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote regular visits to the dentist for young people. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Health to promote a healthy diet. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960s. Issued by the New Zealand Department of Transport to promote safe driving during holiday season. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1975. Issued by Post Office Savings Bank to promote savings for school children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by Post Office Savings Bank to promote savings for school children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1974. Issued by NZ Post celebrating the decades of stamps released over the decades in New Zealand. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1958. Issued by the New Zealand National Savings Committee to promote regular savings. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1970s. Issued by the New Zealand Post Office School Savings Bank to promote regular savings for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1961. Issued by Post Office Savings Bank to promote savings for school children. Signed C.M.B. Ltd. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1956. Issued by the New Zealand National Savings Committee to promote regular investment in National Savings. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950s. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1940. Issued by the Transport Department promoting road safety for children. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. In association with the South African Co-operative Citrus Exchange showing how Oranges are grown and sold. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Showing how rice is grown and sold. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. In association with the Elders & Fyffes Ltd showing how bananas are grown and sold. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Produced for the Dunlop Rubber Company Ltd showing how rubber is made and sold around the world. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1950. Original children's posters, not a modern reproduction.
1950. Original children's posters, not a modern reproduction.
1960. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. This is number 12 in a series Nature Prints for schools that were available in the 1950's. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. This is number 6 in a series Nature Prints for schools that were available in the 1950's. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. This is number 25 in a series of Enid Blyton Nature Prints for schools that were available in the 1950's. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. This is number 37 in a series of Enid Blyton Nature Prints for schools that were available in the 1950's. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950. This is number 18 in a series of Enid Blyton Nature Prints for schools that were available in the 1950's. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1950 to 1959. Issued by Fruit Distributors Ltd. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1956. NMLAA calendar issued by T. Flaws, field representative in Dunedin. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1960. Issued by The Otago Farmers Union Mutual Fire Insurance Association. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1970. Issued by Cadbury Fry Hudson Ltd, Dunedin, showing how chocolate is made and where the various ingredients come from. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1946. AMP Calendar issued by S.W. Pierce, local New Zealand representative in Dunedin. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1981. Issued by Cadbury showing how chocolate is made and where the various ingredients come from. This is original, not a modern reproduction.
1930. Land sale posters like this were a frequent sight in the 1930s.
1883. These posters used in schools were setup by the Church Missionary society and include a bible extract in Te Reo Maori.
1905. The 1905-06 New Zealand rugby team in England was the first to be called the All Blacks, a name introduced through a printer's error and of course and apt description of their uniforms.
1890. Increased wealth and leisure time boosted the entertainment industry, which became an important area of late nineteenth century advertising.
1914. The first films were shown in New Zealand in 1896, and by 1911 picture shows were everywhere.
1870. A Maori horse race meeting at Karioi at the base of Mt Ruapehu.
1939. Fun fair set up in 1939 at Miramar, Wellington for the centennial celebrations.
1902. Boxing associations were officially recognised after 1902 and the first professional fight took place in 1902.
1860. After the gold discoveries in Otago in the 1860s, posters idealised scenes like this along with dreams of fortunes even from from pipes.
1910. Fantastic copy of a poster from the early 1900s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1923. Robert Semple, Minister of Works in the 1935 Labour Government, began his political career as a radical socialist.
1887. Reflects the important place farming has always occupied throughout New Zealand's history.
1893. Not all were in agreement when in 1893 New Zealand became the first country to grant women the right to vote.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.
1977. Fantastic copy of a poster from the mid 1800s New Zealand that would look great framed.