1947. Vintage children's geography text book.
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1950. Vintage post-primary textbook planned to cover the prescription for 3rd and 4th forms, including parts (a), (b) and (d) of the common core English syllabus.
1956. This bibliography of important literature published between 1930 and 1953 dealing with the tunas and their fisheries in all parts of the world.
1921. A course of British history, designed to meet the requirements of the NZ primary school syllabus for Standard 3.
1967. 1st edition. The application of scientific method to management decision making.
1959. A digest of the first year college course with review questions, problems and answers.
1939. Vintage engineering/technical reference.
1949. Vintage textbook on shorthand, a practical reference to word outlines in Gregg Shorthand.
1914 (108 yo). Vintage rail engineers textbook.