Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities

Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities

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Title: Nigella Christmas : Food, Family, Friends, Festivities
Author(s): LAWSON, Nigella
ISBN: 9780701183226
Illustrated By: PARSONS, Lis
Category: Food & Drink
New / Used: New
Book Type: Large Hardcover
Published: 2008
Published By: Chatto & Windus
Pages: 277
Size (mm): 250 w x 275 h x 30 d


New book. Front leaf missing and light handling wear on dust jacket. Images depict all need to know detail.


Nigella Christmas comprises reliable, practical, easy-to-follow recipes and reassuring advice about planning and cooking ahead, presented in a gorgeous glittering package which will make this the ultimate gift to yourself and for family and friends. 

Illustrated with over 250 fabulous full-colour photographs by Lis Parsons (photographer of the bestselling Nigella Express), including method photos and lavish spreads, Nigella Christmas is in a new, larger and irresistible format. It includes everything from scrumptious Christmas cakes and puddings, to quick and easy homemade presents (biscuits, preserves and other standbys) and edible tree-decorations, recipes for feeding friends and family over the holiday season with minimum stress and maximum enjoyment (cook and freeze ahead or slow-cook in the oven), as well as Christmas party food and drinks. And, of course, exciting and inspiring variations for the Main Event itself - from traditional super-juicy turkey, festive ginger-baked ham, special trimmings and the Ultimate Christmas Pud, all the way to the special vegetarian Christmas feast, by way of goose or pork-and-cranberry options and a Prodigious Pavlova...

Her cakes, as always, gladden the heart, and her 'At-a-Glance Christmas Dinner Countdown' helps take the stress and strain out of the Big Day itself. Nigella Christmas will surely be a perennial favourite, the book we will all reach for - for inspiration and reassurance - as soon as the Christmas lights start going up...

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