2004. Henry VIII's six wives have been too long in the shadow of his own awe-inspiring personality.
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Latest Unicorn Bookshop Books
1000s of books in stock – Showing the latest 200 books below. Please use the search section at the top of the page or select a category.
1980. A biography of Lord Mountbatten.
2002. Special edition covering the death of Princess Diana.
2011. Souvenir edition of the royal wedding between William and Kate.
1981. Vintage newspaper with coverage of the Charles and Diana Royal wedding.
1981. Vintage newspaper with coverage of the Royal tour to New Zealand.
1970. Vintage weekly New Zealand newspaper.
1963. Covering the New Zealand Royal visit in 1963 by Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh.
1997. Special edition covering the death of Princess Diana.
1925. 1st edition. Volume 1. First part of a biography of 'Bertie', the eldest son of Queen Victoria, who was heir apparent to the throne for 60 years.
1961. 1st edition. Coverage of the Queen’s visit to Asia in the 1960s.
1948. 1st edition. This book is the first to be written about the married life of the King and Queen since their Accession.
1947. Vintage newspaper with coverage of of Princess Elizabeth engagement.
1981. Sections 1+2 coverage of the Charles and Diana royal wedding.
1992. An impressive history of the wives that have in many ways made Henry VIII's reign so controversial right to modern times.
1935. 1st edition. 19 full-page sketched portraits with tissue guards.
1985. 1st edition. Biography on the Royal Family.
1955. Pitkin pictorial souvenirs series. Her Majesty the Queen.
1971. In this timely re-issue of his famous book, Paul Rival, with Gallic elegance and wit, bring the queens to the centre of the stage.
1960. Pictorial souvenir record of Princess Margaret royal wedding.
1947. An insight into the life of the British Royal Family.
1936. Souvenir edition of the Coronation of King George VI.
1997. Special edition covering the death of Princess Diana.
1953. Souvenir edition of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
1955. Pitkin pictorial souvenirs series, gives a peek into the life of the Royals.
1954. Royal Visit Supplement.
1997. Four Waikato Times editions covering the death of Princess Diana, only one paper is complete.
1937. Souvenir edition of the Coronation of King George VI
1935. Souvenir edition of the Silver Jubilee of King George V.
2013. Royal Baby souvenir lift out covering the birth of Price George Louis in 2013.
1997. Collection of 3x special editions covering the death of Princess Diana.
1997. Special edition covering the death of Princess Diana.
1997. Special edition covering the death of the death of Princess Diana.
1981. Special coverage of Charles and Diana engagement.
1981. Special coverage of Charles and Diana Royal wedding.
1983. Royal tour to New Zealand glossy souvenir.
1981. Royal Wedding glossy souvenir
1953. Supplement covering the Royal tour.
1963. Amazing looking back at what things costs in Christchurch back then including the retro advertising.
1979. 1st edition. A collection of photographs personally selected by Lord Mountbatten provides glimpses into his life.