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OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 22nd June 1982 - Prince William born

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 22nd June 1982 - Prince William born


1982. Vintage newspaper with coverage of the birth of Prince William.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 10 April 1968 - Wahine Disaster

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 10 April 1968 - Wahine Disaster


1968. Coverage of the Wahine maritime disaster in Wellington.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 11 April 1968 - Wahine Disaster

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 11 April 1968 - Wahine Disaster


1968. Coverage of the Wahine maritime disaster in Wellington.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 20 December 1976 - Wellington / Hutt Valley Floods

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 20 December 1976 - Wellington / Hutt Valley Floods


1976. Coverage of the flooding in the Wellington and Hutt Valley areas due to rainfall.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 21 December 1976 - Wellington / Hutt Valley Floods

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 21 December 1976 - Wellington / Hutt Valley Floods


1976. Coverage of the flooding in the Wellington and Hutt Valley areas due to rainfall.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 22 December 1976 - Wellington / Hutt Valley Floods

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 22 December 1976 - Wellington / Hutt Valley Floods


1976. Coverage of the flooding in the Wellington and Hutt Valley areas due to rainfall.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 31 January 1948 - Gandhi Assassinated

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, 31 January 1948 - Gandhi Assassinated


1948. A couple of leaves only from this edition covering the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, Wellington - Final edition, 6 July 2002

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, Wellington - Final edition, 6 July 2002


2002. Final edition of the Evening Post, 6 July 2002.

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, Wellington 1965 - A Century of Headline News

OLD NEWSPAPER: The Evening Post, Wellington 1965 - A Century of Headline News


1965. A collection of headlines from the previous 100 years of this masthead.